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Ways I can help you’

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Nutritional Coaching

One size does not fit all when it comes to diet! 

  • more energy?

  • healthier skin?

  • general wellbeing?

  • reducing sugar?

  • improving your immune system?

  • making healthy choices in restaurants?

I work with you to set and achieve your nutritional goals. Importantly this is often about adding more foods to your diet, rather than taking foods away.

We will explore how different foods makes you feel. Together we will to create a bespoke diet and way of eating that makes you feel and look great, and is manageable for your lifestyle.

Please contact me to arrange a free introductory consultation.

nutritional coaching

Health Coaching

“Even the smallest actions are steps in the right direction”

Do you want to feel better, but just don’t know where to start?

Do you keep reading about the benefits of improving gut health but are not quite sure how to do this? Perhaps you are aware need to look after your mental health but simply don’t know where to start?

There are many pillars supporting good health: nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management. Change is iterative. There will be small actions you can take, within your current lifestyle, which can massively improve the way you feel.

I will work with you to identify these small changes, to diet and lifestyle, which will have a  huge impact on how you feel.

Please contact me to arrange a free introductory consultation.

Health Coaching
Health Coaching
Towards a more plant-based diet, and improved gut health

Towards a more plant-based diet, and improved gut health

80% of our immune system is in our gut.

A healthy functioning gut microbiome is fundamental to good health, yet modern diet and lifestyles do not create the conditions for a healthy gut.

Recent research suggests ultimate gut health is achieved by eating a variety of plant-based foods. Thirty different plant points in a week.  It’s easier than you think! These points aren’t just from fruit and vegetables, but from six categories of plant-based foods: wholegrains, legumes, fruit, vegetables, nuts & seeds and herbs.

I can work with you to understand what foods/meals you like to eat, and together we will create an eating plan that incorporates this nutritional aim into your current lifestyle.

With help its easier, fun, and tastier than you can imagine!

Please contact me to arrange a free introductory consultation.

Plant base

Nutrition for the whole family

Studies show that a nutritious diet will make your child healthier and better able to learn

This is not always easy!

You want to feed your family the most nutritious meals but are often too busy to even think about what to prepare, let alone have the time to prepare it.  Your children don’t like certain foods, your children like different foods! You get stuck in a pattern of the same meals, week in week out.

I can work with you, and your family, to identify healthy nutritious meals that will work for everyone and improve your family’s health and wellbeing.

We’ll also identify tasty, easy wins toward healthy eating plans and to making the whole family feel better.

Please contact me to arrange a free introductory consultation.

Nutrition for the whole family
whole family
Weight Management

Weight Management

You can’t outrun your fork! Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise

There are many different ways to eat to help manage your weight, and there will be one that works for you.

This may be through intermittent fasting, cutting out carbs, using an app to track your food intake, or simply changing what you eat.

By understanding your current diet and lifestyle I work with you to identify a weight loss regime and eating plan that will work for you and your lifestyle for the long run.

Please contact me to arrange a free introductory consultation.

Keeping Well Through Cancer Treatment

We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is our only choice

A cancer diagnosis is terrifying. Both illness and treatment can make you feel awful, mentally and physically. So much just feels out of your control, but you can take small steps to take control back!

Give yourself the best chance to feel well by fuelling your body with nutritious, healing food, maintaining some kind of exercise regime, and taking steps to improve your mental health.  Small steps can take you a long way.

Drawing on my expertise in wellness coaching, with emphasis on nutrition, combined with my own personal experience of cancer and cancer treatment, I will work with you to help you feel your best both during and after your treatment.

There are many ways to ensure you stay as well as possible during this time.

Please contact me for a free consultation, to discuss how I can support you.

Keeping Well Through Cancer Treatment
Weight Management
Cancer treatment
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